Q&A with Human Experience Guide, Niki Loe

Blonde woman in tutu sitting on wooden floor

Welcome to a journey of resilience, radiance, and entrepreneurial wisdom…

Meet Niki, a wellness wizard who's conquered four hip surgeries and emerged as a wellness expert, offering up a holistic guide to the human experience. She's not just a wellness powerhouse – she's also a savvy entrepreneur, serving as a Wellness Health Educator, Registered Naturopath, Medical Herbalist, Nutritionist, and Registered Personal Trainer. Oh, and did I mention she's the brilliant mind behind Glow School?

I first met Niki early last year when she booked in a Personal Branding Shoot with me and we have been friends ever since! She’s the most amazing, joy filled human and I was over the moon when she agreed to be interviewed.

Buckle up as Niki shares her entrepreneurial journey, offering a treasure trove of inspiration and guidance for running a small business along with why she chose to invest in a branding session. Get ready to be uplifted, enlightened, and equipped with the tools to thrive both personally and professionally! Read on for a conversation that's not just about overcoming challenges but also about the glow-up in business and life.


Tell me all about you, your business, why you created it and what you did before starting it?

My business, 'Niki Loe', is founded on the principles of love. While that may sound a little mushy, it is my core business value. I am committed to empowering individuals to recognise how spectacular and powerful they truly are.

My approach to health is holistic, treating the human experience as a complex interplay of elements that need to be nurtured. Drawing upon the principles of movement, naturopathy, and nutrition, unique wellness plans are crafted for you to come all the way alive in this life.

I have been teaching movement since I was 15 years old, but I decided to start my own business after my 4th hip surgery, 8 years ago. Through my own experience of healing, and overcoming the challenges of putting my body back together again, I became hungry to offer more than just movement.

What I learned in a very personal way, is that physical health is just one aspect of well-being. That's why I immersed myself in understanding the physical, mental and emotional pillars required to uplevel the human experience.

I went back to school, completed a Bachelor in naturopathy, herbal medicine and nutrition, and became obsessed with the art of being human.

Today, when I work with people, I focus on mindset development, fostering self-love, and cultivating joy practices. I believe these are too often missing ingredients in modern day β€œexercise programs” and β€œdiet plans”.

I am going to be serving people until I am 100 years old. Everyone deserves to live a joyous life in body that they love. 

Blonde woman in cowboy hat and pink dress sitting in a field of long brown grass, laughing.

Who has inspired you along the way?

I am continually in a state of inspiration and awe, thanks to many people, and many precious things in my life. I purposefully surround myself with individuals who ignite my spirit and inspire me: My clients inspire me with their strength and courage. My family and friends inspire me with their wild love and what I have seen them overcome in their own health journeys. My mentors inspire me with their brilliant minds and bold action. And the people I work beside inspire me with their knowledge to grow and be better every day.

I have looked up to many inspirational figures and thought to myself β€œI would love to be just like them”, but now the only person I want to be like, is me. 

I've overcome many challenges to become the person I am today, and that inspires me to tackle new challenges head on, knowing I can overcome those too. This is what allows me to show up authentically in my life - knowing that nothing comes easy, and that we all have within us what it takes to rise again, no matter how many times we fall.


What do you love and what do you find challenging about running a small business? 

I love having the opportunity to help people see themselves for all that they can be, and for the opportunity to work with the most incredible human beings who become family.

It's incredibly rewarding to guide individuals on their journey to self-love and optimal wellness. And such a privilege to be invited into their lives. Every day, I get to witness transformations and help people get in touch with their inner strength and beauty.

Business challenges, however, are also part of the adventure. They are a given. My little business has a big heart, but it is just me, so balancing the administrative aspects of the business with my hands-on approach to client connection can be a lot. But that’s just a little thing.

The most challenging, and honest aspect of having my own business is how hard I find it to β€œswitch off”. And that is because I care so deeply about the education I am creating and sharing, and for the people I am serving. When you work from a place of heart-driven purpose, it is easy to blur the lines between β€œwork” and rest. What I do is a part of who I am, it is not separate, and that only inspires me to show up more and more every day. 

The greatest lesson in having my own business has been the deep realisation I have to show up for myself, too. Bringing a puppy into our lives has been instrumental in creating a deeper feeling of balance, and opening up more space to nurture precious family time. As a business owner, joy, relaxation and connection need to be diarised non-negotiables.

Blonde woman in a white dress twirling against a white wall.

Why did you decide to invest in a personal branding shoot for your business?

First of all,  my business is β€œNiki Loe”, so it is super personal. I was afraid for years to put myself out there, and then lockdown happened. And I knew if I was going to reach people - at a time humans needed joy, health and connection more than ever - I had to start showing up in a more visible way.

Not long after, I decided to invest in a website build and professional branding photography because I believe imagery and visual storytelling are powerful ways to show the world what you are all about (and yes - no matter what you offer, YOU are your brand!).

My personal branding session was more than just a photoshoot. It was an opportunity to express my business values, my heart values, my personality, and what you might expect from working with me.

My branding allows me to connect with my community on a deeper level, helping them to see not just what I do, but who I am and why I do it. I saw it as an investment for the growth and success of my business, allowing me to connect with more humans who need these kinds of offerings to better their lives.


How did you find your experience shooting with me?

My personal branding session with you was a magical experience, and one that was transformative for my business.

My images have re-energised my business. You truly captured exactly who I am from the inside out. Thank you for helping me to express that feeling of being wild, free, and joyous. That was the brief and you nailed it.  The photos are beautiful. I am using them all the time and I will continue to use them again and again. I love them.

You have an incredible gift for capturing authenticity and bringing out the best in people. Instead of feeling nervous or awkward, I felt safe to be just me - exactly as I am - in front of the camera. The images reflect that beautifully.  

You were able to craft a series of photographs that embody so much more than just my physical appearance, but my passion, my values, and the heart of who I am. I am deeply grateful for your special gifts, your calm, sweet energy, and your ability to create such a safe and empowering environment. You. Are. Magic. I can’t wait to work together again soon.

Would you say it has benefitted your business and if so, in what way?

My branding session with you has been instrumental in elevating my business. It has significantly boosted brand awareness by providing a consistent and authentic visual identity across various platforms, including social media and magazine articles. These images are not just pictures, they are a reflection of who I am and what my heart stands for. 

Each image allows potential clients to see the person behind the business, giving people something, and someone they can connect with and trust. 

This branding session has also given me a renewed sense of confidence in my brand, and it has really reinforced why I do what I do, and how lucky I am to be doing it.

In essence, my branding session with you has not only enhanced my business presence but it has deepened my connection with my community through the power of visual storytelling.

What's your favourite image from the shoot and why?

Can I choose a few?! These particular photos from my branding session are my favourite because they perfectly encapsulate the feelings of freedom and joy that I wanted to convey.

When I look at them, I see more than just pictures - I see a reflection of my life story, my passion, and the heart of who I am - not just as a business owner, but as me. It's a visual representation of the joy I find in my work and the freedom that comes from embracing who we really are. These images serve as reminders of why I do what I do, and I hope this inspires others to seek their own joy and freedom, too.

Blonde woman in yoga pose sipping a cup of tea

Words of Wisdom…

Would you mind sharing a piece of advice for other small business owners?

Yes! Remember that your challenges will nurture your growth, both as a business owner and as a person. They remind us that, just like the clients we serve, we are also on a journey of continuous growth and self-improvement. 

Make time for joy, movement, connection and relaxation. I mean it. These must be diarised non-negotiables for your heart, your mind, your body, your energy and therefore the longevity of your business.

Do not be afraid to invest yourself, to ask for help, and relentlessly pursue your heart and your purpose.

Building a website, creating a brand, and planning for the future with strategic business consultant, Michelle, from Half Light Studio was transformative for my business. A personal branding shoot with you Sam brought my brand to life with a series of stunning imagery and storytelling. Working with my myofascial mentor John Polley inspired me to find my why. And I can’t recommend enough being a part of a business-minded community like Golden Brands. This will keep you connected to your purpose, aligned with your values and it will remind you of what is possible.  

β€œBuild a brand, not just a business and stay true to who you are from start to finish"



What to wear to your Personal Branding Shoot - My Top 5 Tips.